Monday, November 22, 2010

Family in Morocco - Part 1

Last Thursday at around 2:30 p.m., Jeremy and I waited anxiously at the airport in Rabat for the arrival of his family (Aunty Beth, Uncle Michael, Marissa and Adam). Once they arrived, we had to take two taxis back to the Riad in Rabat because they had so much luggage. We arrived at their Riad, put their bags down and went to say a quick hello to Jeremy’s family. They were so warm and welcoming. Then we walked around for a little while. We then went to the Toledano’s (big Jewish family in Rabat) for a drink and then out to dinner.

The next day Jeremy and I took everyone around Rabat. We tried to shop in the medina but everything was closed because of the Eid. We stopped over at my house for a little while so they could meet my family, then we toured Oudaya and then made our way to Jeremy’s for lunch. We had delicious couscous with Jeremy’s family and then came back to the Riad to rest before we were picked up by Brahim’s brothers (Sylvia - our cleaning women’s- husband’s family… long story). Since there were so many of us they picked us up in two cars. They decided to split up Jeremy and I since we were the ones who spoke Arabic. I actually surprised myself by the amount of Arabic I could communicate with. We got to their house and were immediately greeted with a warm welcome. There were probably 12-15 members of his family their in total and each one smiled at us and treated us like royalty. A few of them spoke English but again, I mostly had to communicate in Arabic. One of the women (I still cannot figure out how she is related) loved me and kept holding my hand and telling me that I needed to come back and see them. Because of the language barrier, we were not quite sure if we were just having tea there or if we were staying for dinner. We decided to play it by ear. They first served us tea with an incredible assortment of cookies. They made us each take 3 or 4 cookies so we were sure that tea was the only course they were serving us. However, after they cleared the table, the began to put down napkins and informed us that dinner was on its way down. From upstairs, the women brought down two plates, each with three WHOLE chickens on them. It was our family’s first “Moroccan-Eat-With-Your-Hands” experience and they thoroughly enjoyed it. After we ate up, they took away the chicken and before we could even say that we were stuffed they brought out a large lamb tagine. Everything was delicious but one meal was already enough and the thought of eating another whole dinner just seemed daunting. Somehow, though, we made it through. After the tagine they brought out lots of fruit (they seem to switch appetizers and dessert here). Aunty Beth had made her famous chocolate that she calls “trash” as well, so we were all bursting at the seems by the time the night was over.

The next day we went to Fes and stayed in a PALACE. It was a beautiful riad-hotel with huge rooms, great food, VERY comfy pillows, and great service. It was amazing. The first night we celebrated Marissa’s birthday by going out to a fun belly-dancing restaurant. It was lots of fun and we all got some time up on stage with the belly dancers. Aunty Beth arranged for a cake for Marissa and brought party hats, plates and noisemakers for the occasion. The next day we walked around a lot, saw the Mellah (Jewish quarter), a synagogue, an old Koranic school and the same ceramic factory I saw last time I was in Fes. All along the way we shopped and bargained in the Souks. The entire time Marissa kept asking “It’s my Birthday.. Can I have a discount?!” The highlight of my day was going back to “Café Clock” (My favorite wifi café in Fes) for a camel burger and some iced mint tea! That night we had a lovely dinner in our hotel. We ordered tons on appetizers for the table, including pigeon pastilla (which was delicious). I was supposed to go home Sunday night but the pillows in the hotel were just too comfy to waste on ONE night only, so I decided to stay, sleep in, and head back to Rabat Monday morning! All in all, it was a great weekend; it so nice to be around family, especially right around Thanksgiving time. I am back at home now, but will be meeting up with them again on Thursday in Marrakesh – I can’t wait!
iced mint tea!

the boys belly dancing!

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