Thursday, December 16, 2010

Things I Will Miss about Morocco (or not)

  • Cats everywhere
  • Trash everywhere
  • 3 homecooked meals a day
  • Not being able to walk down the street without getting talked "at"
  • Berber/yodeling music
  • Hearing the call to prayer SIX times a day
  • Mint Tea and Chobz
  • The hospitality
  • The ridiculously crazy driving
  • my stomach never FULLY getting used to Morocco
  • Everyone assuming I speak French, even when I speak to them in Arabic
  • Paying to use the bathroom/for everything
  • Squat toilets/no toilet paper
  • Medina sandwhiches (chwarma+frites/omelete)
  • Watching more T.V. shows than I did in the U.S.
  • The T.V. being on constantly
  • Music swaps
  • Juice
  • Our Arabic names
  • Jellabas
  • Malaui
  • Morrocan meals in general (tagine and couscous)
  • Eating with my hands/out of a communal dish and cup
  • Henna
  • Being uncomfortable when I see too much skin
  • The hand of Fatima
  • Minarets on every corner
  • The Moroccan greetings "Salam, Labas? Hamdullah"
  • Inshaalah
  • "The Jewlery Store"
  • Everything being super cheap
  • Motor bikes
  • Mancafs

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