Thursday, September 2, 2010

First Day - Medina

I arrived in Morocco at around 1:30 and found out that we didn't have anything planned until 8:30 so a few of us went into the Medina..which was really cool. We saw tons of people selling different breads, croissants, pastries and different fruits like dates and such. There were also little shops with traditional moroccan clothing. We got whistled at a few times and got a few "Hey there sweety" 's but other than that we were not really harassed. The variation in dress was something that really amazed me because you have the older women covered from head to toe, and then you have the younger girls dressed in pretty modern clothing (I even saw a little girl wearing a skirt and a tank top!). We walked through the Medina (the old city) which is surrounded by these huge walls. Since it is Ramadan, nothing is open right now and I am STARVING! But apparently they have a break fast at alot of restaurants tonight so we will go to that to experience a typical "ramadan break-fast meal". Tonight we are staying in a hotel in Rabat, and tomorrow we go to Fez and meet our host families for a week and a half.

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